Thursday, August 30, 2007

Old Navy Controversy

This is Amanda, back again, and maybe stirring up some action this time around. Today in class, we talked about the commercial for Old Navy's newest jeans. The controversy behind this commerical for possible accusations of sexual harassment issues is one that became very heated and active our RCS 362 class this morning. I was the only student to really stand up and say that I thought this commerical was very provocative and too sexy for the some of the customers that Old Navy targets in its everyday market.
Many of my peers said that they thought the sex appeal in the commercial was something HOT and FRESH for the company and that it almost made them want to go buy the jeans right then and there. But for me, I am almost always drawn to a commercial by the music and the rythmn of the beat with the images in the media. The repeated "no, no" in the lyrics from the girl and the fact that no matter what, the man couldn't resist her, made it definitely appear offensive to me.
Most others didn't even notice the lyrics and thought that the controversy was full of incredibly stupid accusations. But I think to myself: If I had been sexually assaulted, or had a 10-year-old daughter watching this commercial, would I just think it attactive and sexy? Nope...I think it's too provocative for the company.
I know I'm a stubborn and headstrong person, and I believe that a company that reaches such a large variety of people and every age group should not being airing such a commercial.
People pointed out that commercials like Victoria's Secret and Calvin Klein promoted sexiness in their campaigns....but these companies aren't targeting a younger age group and aren't using the same lyrics in their music.
I know that I can't change the way others think about things like this, and I'm not writing to change your mind....I'm just pointing out how one group of consumers might be feeling.


Professor Sanghvi said...

I think your point made for an interesting debate on the issues. And Dr. Carrico agrees with your point (and so do I)- check out her comment at

Also, Victoria Secret and Calvin Klien are not based on a boy/girl scenario - showing almost nude models in seductive poses leaves the consumer to imagine things. But in this case, Old Navy doesn't leave any doubt!

Elizabeth and Dana said...

When I first heard to the song- I could not hear the lyrics very well. I don't really think that the lyrics matter too much because (for me) it is very hard to understand the words. If Old Navy was able changed the song and not have the guy in the commercial- do you think Old Navy Flirt would work? Or do you think they should chang "Flirt" to something else?