Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Brand Loyalty

After talking about brand loyalty the past couple of classes, I can't stop thinking about Ralph Lauren Polo. I think everyone knows that certain group of people, specifically guys, who own every Ralph Lauen Polo in every color imaginable. The guys who always look like they've stepped straight out of a J.Crew magazine. Some would call it brand loyalty, but sometimes I disagree. One of my guy friends inparticular has said that he would never be caught dead in a polo shirt from somewhere like Target or Old Navy, but what makes the Ralph Lauren Polo so much better? If the two different polos were put in front of you without the logos, you could probably tell the difference between them - that's why we're in this major. But for a normal everyday consumer, such as a college guy, I doubt they would be able to tell the difference. So why do they insist on paying over $50 for a shirt from Ralph Lauren that would be the same to them as one for $15 or $20 from a less prestigious retailer? Are they paying for the logo? Is it that big of a deal to them to have the man on the horse rather than another symbol? I guess you usually only see brand loyalty for apparel in more expensive, higher-end brands. I can't see anyone saying they're loyal to the Kohl's brand and will only wear jeans from there.

I'm not saying I'm against wearing a Ralph Lauren polo. I've owned a few in my life. I'm just wondering where brand loyalty becomes obsessive... or even arrogant. But I guess if Ralph Lauren has certain customers who only wear their brand, they've done their job well.

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